Streaky Bay

We drove up the West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula from Coffin Bay and stopped in at some absolutely amazing places on the way. The water is so clear and blue and the cliffs make an impressive contrast. We drove around Elliston and had a look at the coastline there and when we got a little bit further north we stopped at Talia Caves and had a look around
Coastline at Elliston

Coastline at Elliston

'The Tub' at Talia Caves

Lawrie in the Tub

Waves breaking at Woolshed Cave

Woolshed Cave (creepy bats inside). The carpark is just above the cave - not sure if this is a super idea
We made it to Streaky Bay around lunchtime and set up camp. We were lucky to score a site right on the beach. We pulled out the bikes and went for a ride around town, had dinner at the pub and went for a walk along the jetty.

View from our campsite



Lights from the jetty
The next day we went for a drive down to the sea lion colony at Point Labatt and for a drive along the coast.
Point Labatt

Sea Lions at Point Labatt - they're the slug looking things on the rocks

Coast south of Streaky Bay
 After we got back we went for a ride around the bay and watched the sun go down from camp.

On Friday we drove down to Baird Bay and went out on a boat with Baird Bay Ocean Eco Experience and went swimming first with the bay dolphins and then with sea lions from the colony in the bay. The dolphins were good but they'd been having a hard time from another pod so were a bit cranky. We still managed to get  close to them but only for about 20 minutes. After that we headed over to the sea lions. Where we swam was in a reef pool so it was protected and shallow. Swimming with the sea lions was absolutely amazing. They play exactly like dogs. They copy your movements in the water and nuzzle you like dogs and one of them even goosed Lawrie! It's probably the highlight of our trip so far.

Sea Lions sunning themselves

In the water

Posing for the camera

Sooo cute!
On our way back from Baird Bay we stopped in at Murphy's Haystacks, which are inselberg rock formations in farmers field. Pretty interesting.
Murphy's Haystacks

Lawrie under the Haystacks
In the afternoon we went for a drive along the coast just north of Streaky and went to the Whistling Rocks and Blowholes. We thought that there were birds making funny noises but it turns out that it was the ocean. Have a look a the video at the RAA South Australia website to see what we mean.

On Saturday we packed up camp and started our trip along the Nullarbor....